2010 RMP IPRs and their enfor in CZ Journal on Leg Econ Iss 2010 1 1 15-18 ISSN 2043 085X
2011 RMP Privacy of Email correspondence of employees JLEIE 2011 2 1 31-35 ISSN 2043 085X
2014 RMP EDC Strategy options for addressing the leg lia ARSA 2014 3 60-63 ISSN 1338 9831
2014 RMP JC An Overview of Good Morals in Czech Codices AA Law Forum 2014 5 3-12
2014 RMP The Impact of the Czech New Civil Code on Domain Names TLQ 2014 4 3 ISSN 1805 8396
2015 RMP Co mohou o základních … judikáty o IP RekPraxe 4.12.2015
2015 RMP Nejasné pojetí dom jm a jejich režimu v NOZ 9.1.2015 RaP